At a time when the world is facing successive unprecedented crises, we are convinced that the role of U7+ has never been more important in reaffirming the role of universities as vectors of knowledge and providers of solutions, and thus holding out the promise of a future to the younger generations and, more broadly, to civil society.
In this context, Université Côte d'Azur wished to reaffirm its commitment to U7+ by offering to host the next Presidents' Summit on its territory. As such, on behalf of the U7+ Executive Committee, Université Côte d’Azur is delighted to welcome you to the fourth annual U7+ Alliance of World Universities Summit of the Presidents, to be held on the 8th and 9th June 2022.
This year's edition will focus on the role of Universities in securing peaceful and sustainable democracies.
How Universities can be exemplary in demonstrating Democratic Values in their processes and overall functioning ? Should, and if yes, how, Universities can ensure total freedom of Research and Speech while still representing humanistic values ? How can Universities respond to the immediate demands of young generations to drastically adapt their mission to be a motor of sustainability and more precisely climate change?
These questions are all questions that we ask ourselves daily as leaders of our respective institutions. This year summit will offer us the opportunity to reflect on them, on our practices and commitments.
To support us in this task, we will have the honour to welcome Mrs. Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO for opening comments, which I am convinced will drive our discussions throughout the sessions.
During this Summit we will also have the pleasure to provide space do discuss our achievements thank to the endless work done within the different U7+ Work Groups, but also new venues of collaboration and actions that we wish to pursue together.
Beyond the formal sessions, this year Summit will also provide many occasions for informal discussions. Indeed, after two long years without having the opportunity to meet in person, I am deeply convinced that all Presidents will be pleased to reconnect.
Université Côte d’Azur is very much looking forward to welcoming all of you on our beautiful territory and have no doubt the fourth annual U7+ Alliance of World Universities Summit of the Presidents will be a success thanks to your presence and contributions.
Jeanick Brisswalter,
Université Côte d’Azur
Université Côte d’Azur