Domaines de recherche

Le programme de recherche de l'EUR Systèmes Numériques pour l'Humain répond aux défis lancés par l'émergence de la société numérique. Il est mené dans un contexte de croissance massive des besoins (citoyens connectés), du nombre d'appareils connectés (Internet des objets) et du volume des données disponibles (Big Data) qui nécessitent une nouvelle génération de réseaux (5G) et une véritable réflexion sociale.
Il se déploie dans 5 domaines principaux :

Digital Sciences
Developing UCA excellence in the digital sciences involves maintaining and strengthening fundamental expertise to manage, process, and interpret data of potentially large size or volume, or which are distributed. The goal is to develop program and data exchange reliability and security, as well as to model and simulate, at different scales, problems from physics, biology, and medicine. Human-computer interaction and decision aid, which are integral parts of robotic systems, are also of interest.
Digital Society
It is important to us to improve our understanding of the societal changes related to digitalization, particularly through the analysis of the impact of technological change and the role of physical artefacts (such as connected objects) in this transformation. More precisely, it is worth analyzing how digitalization impacts the functioning of society, economies, organizations, social links, and legal principles.
Health, Intelligent Cities, and Complex Systems
Driven by the need for more performant and preventive health care, DS4H researchers are developing concepts, systems, and applications designed to make healthcare more affordable and city life more efficient, cleaner, safer, and less costly than ever before. 

DS4H labs are working on designing and testing communication networks of the future, combining high performance (e.g., innovative, wireless photonic devices) with security and energy efficiency.

Physics of Information

DS4H labs are interested to explore the interface between theoretical physics and information. They examine a variety of fundamental issues to define what the information is and how it impact concepts such as order, disorder, incomplete knowledge. They are also interested in quantum mechanics that generates the very different concepts of quantum information. Due to the massive parallel processing inherent in quantum mechanics, our researchers discover disruptive  technologies for information storage and computation.