le 8 septembre 2022
Campus SophiaTech, En ligne
- How to get to SophiaTech campus?
Address: 930 route des Colles, Biot Sophia Antipolis
Parking P2
Bus station "Les Templiers" - Bus-tram station "St Philippe"
Google maps
Plan Campus SophiaTech Polytech Nice/UCA - Zoom link
Remote access to the kickoff meeting is possible but physical presence should be preferred.
Cette page sera régulièrement mise à jour jusqu'à la rentrée.
Étudiants en master et doctorat de l'EUR DS4H, vous avez la possibilité de choisir chaque semestre des cours optionnels (mineures), des projets de recherche en tutorat, des projets de recherche multidisciplinaires ou des projets Créativité pour enrichir et diversifier votre parcours.
Toutes les informations utiles vous seront données lors de la
Journée de rentrée DS4H
le 8 septembre 2022 de 9h00 à 17h30
Amphi Forum – Campus SophiaTech
Vous pourrez poser toutes vos questions aux enseignants présents et préparer votre semestre à la carte.
Dans la foulée, vous pourrez saisir vos voeux d'options en prévision de vos inscriptions pédagogiques. Les inscriptions pédagogiques sont une étape obligatoire pour finaliser votre emploi du temps, obtenir vos notes et finalement votre diplôme !
A bientôt !
Johan Montagnat, Directeur de l’EUR DS4H
La saisie des voeux d'options DS4H doit être faite :
- pour les étudiants en Master (mineures et projets) : du jeudi 8 septembre au lundi 12 septembre (23h00), sur la plateforme Erebe
- pour les étudiants en Doctorat (mineures) : du jeudi 1er septembre au lundi 12 septembre (23h00), sur la plateforme ADUM
- Program (updated on Sept. 6th)
- 9h00 - Introduction
- 9h15 - DS4H Masters training offer
- 9h30 - Presentation of each DS4H Master by its responsible
- 10h00 - Registration procedures and Student Affairs
- 10h15 - ADAMS, DS4H Students' association
- 10h30 - Student life - University services for Students
- 11h00 - Specific parallel session to each Master - Have a chat with your Master's responsible
- 12h30 - Lunch Break
- 13h30 - DS4H Research Projects’ pitches
- 14h15 - DS4H HIC Creativity Projects pitches
- 14h30 - Have a chat with HIC Creativity Projects’ teams
- 14h45 - ADAMS' Quiz!
- 15h00 - DS4H minors’ presentation
- 16h40 - Specific parallel session to each minor - Have a chat with minors’ responsible
- 17h30 - End of the day
- Les options DS4H / What options are we talking about?
Each semester, the DS4H Graduate school offers students to personalize their curricula with various options:
- Minors: courses to broaden your skills beyond your discipline
- Individual or group projects including:
- Research Projects:
- Individual tutorships: a training to research by immersion in a laboratory
- Multidisciplinary research projects: group projects to work on a scientific given topic with other students from different disciplines
- Multidisciplinary Creativity Projects - HIC
- Research Projects:
- Quels étudiants sont concernés ? / Who is concerned?
This Fall 2022 semester, DS4H options are offered to Université Côte d'Azur students enrolled in:
Masters in Initial Training Masters in Apprenticeship PhD - M1 Informatique
- M2 Informatique et interactions
- M2 Ingénierie informatique
- M1 and M2 EIT Digital
- M1 and M2 Electronique
- M1 and M2 Stratégie Digitale
- M1 Droit des Affaires
- M2 Droit de la propriété intellectuelle et des nouvelles technologies
- M1 and M2 HIC MAJIC
- M1 Psychologie parcours Ergonomie cognitive des technologies numériques
- M1 and M2 Lettres parcours Linguistique, traitements informatiques du texte et processus cognitifs
- M2 Langues Étrangères Appliquées Traduction Rédaction d'Entreprise
- M2 EIT Digital
- M1 and M2 Stratégie Digitale
- M2 Droit de la propriété intellectuelle et des nouvelles technologies
- M1 Psychologie parcours Ergonomie cognitive des technologies numériques
- M2 Langues Étrangères Appliquées Traduction Rédaction d'Entreprise
- All PhD students enrolled in ED STIC PhD students from ED DESPEG or ED SHAL in DS4H Graduate school domains.
Not all students have access to the different minors and DS4H projects for a given semester. If you can’t see a minor/a project on Erebe, it is not open to you. - Presentations
Did you miss the September 8th kickoff meeting? Or do you need a little refresher? Here are the presentations that were made:
- Introduction - DS4H General information
- ADAMS Student Association and University's services
- DS4H Masters offer
- Student Affairs, Administrative and Pedagogical Registration
- Fall 2022 Research Projects offer (tutorships and multidisciplinary projects)
- Fall 2022 HIC Creativity Projects
- Fall 2022 Minors offer
As a Master or PhD student at DS4H Graduate school, you have the possibility to choose each semester optional courses (minors), tutored research projects, multidisciplinary research projects or Creativity projects to enrich and diversify your curriculum.
To get all the information you need about this training offer, do not miss
Thursday, September 8th from 9h00 to 17h00
Amphi Forum – Campus SophiaTech
You will be able to ask your questions directly to the teachers and staff: they will help you shape your personalized curriculum, enter your option wishes and prepare your pedagogical registrations. Pedagogical registrations are a mandatory step to finalize your schedule, get your grades and finally your diploma.
See you soon,
Johan Montagnat,
Your DS4H option wishes must be entered:
- for Master Students(minors and projects) : from Thursday, Sept. 8 to Monday, Sept. 12 (23h00) on DS4H Option selection platform Erebe
- for PhD Students (minors): from Thursday, Sept. 1 to Monday, Sept. 12 (23h00) on ADUM