Programme DocWalker
Qu'est-ce que le programme DocWalker?
DocWalker est un programme de mobilité internationale conçu pour permettre aux doctorants d'Université Côte d'Azur, dont le sujet de thèse entre dans le périmètre scientifique de l'EUR DS4H et de l'Académie RISE, d'effectuer des séjours de courte durée dans des laboratoires de recherche académique à l'étranger.
- Eligibilité
This call is open to all doctoral students within the RISE Academy's scope, enrolled in one of the following doctoral schools: STIC, DESPEG or SFA.
- Sujet et durée de séjour
The doctoral stay should contribute to the scientific progress of the thesis through the additional resources and expertise of the foreign host laboratory. It must align with the thesis topic and does not guarantee any extension of the thesis duration, which is determined by the STIC, DESPEG and SFA doctoral schools.
The duration of doctoral stays may vary between 1 to 3 months.
- Modalités de financement
Funding for doctoral mobility is provided through the reimbursement of mission expenses, with the option of receiving an advance of up to 75% of the estimated total cost. The RISE Academy can also arrange the trip.
Eligible expenses covered by this funding are those specified in the Université Côte d'Azur Mission Guide, including travel between the place of residence and the foreign host laboratory, as well as accommodation and meal expenses. - Convention d'accueil
A collaboration research agreement may be signed between the Université Côte d'Azur laboratory or center and the foreign host laboratory prior to the doctoral student's departure. This agreement will outline the conditions of access to the foreign laboratory and the management of intellectual property generated during the stay. The Université Côte d'Azur Research, Development and Innovation Department (DRVI) will assist with the preparation and signing of these agreements, except in specific cases.
Doctorant CRHEA (2020-2023), DocWalker 2022
Destination : Nanyang Technological University, Singapour
Lire le témoignage
Doctorants i3S (2021-2024), DocWalker 2023
Destination : Australian National University, Canberra, Australie
Lire le témoignage
Doctorant LEAT (2021-2024), DocWalker 2023
Destination : GeorgiaTech, Atlanta, USA
Lire le témoignage
Destination : Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italie
Lire le témoignage
Directeur de l'Académie "Réseaux, Information et Société numérique"
Nathalie Currid
Chargée de projet - 04 92 38 79 37
Page web de l'Académie RISE